

Dr. Salerno interviewed on Telemundo

The Story of the Atkins Diet, Part 4

Dr. Salerno Discussing Chelation Therapy On My Fox NY

Dr. Salerno discusses Health Care on CBS New York

Dr. Salerno speaks on healthcare on Fox Business

Dr. Salerno joins a panel of medical experts on Fox News



Why I Recommend Organic Food to My Weight Loss Patients – Dr. Salerno explains how added chemicals in processed foods can increase food cravings, cause water retention, and result in unwanted weight gain.

What is Sustainable Food? – Learn more about sustainable agriculture, common production practices, and consumer influence and overall participation from the leader in anti-aging medicine, Dr. Salerno.

What Ever Happened to the Venerable Hamburger? – What can you do if you’d like to eat a good, healthy hamburger? Dr. Salerno sheds light on several sensible answers and easy-to-follow tips.

Your New Year’s Resolution: Eat More Organics – Dr. Salerno makes it easy for you to eat more organics. Organic produce doesn’t have to cost a fortune, and a great source of beef, even in smaller amounts, is worth its price.

Reducing Salt to Protect Against Heart Attacks and Strokes – Only 11% of the sodium in Americans’ diets comes from their own saltshakers; nearly 80% is added to foods before they are sold. Find out more about how the National Salt Reduction Initiative, a New York City-led partnership, is using targeted reduction measures to inform the public and food leaders.

America’s Chickens Come Home to Roost – The European Union has banned the use of birds raised using standard American practices and, as a result, the chicken they sell in Europe is more flavorful and healthier.

Farmer’s in Missouri When a Battle With a Hog Production Giant – Factory farm advocates will argue that they produce pork that is affordable for working families. But who will pay the health care and environmental cleanup costs that will inevitably result from meat full of growth hormones and antibiotics?


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